Directed by Tibor Takacs and featuring LeAnn Rimes, Tyler Hynes, Gwynyth Walsh, and Laurie Murdoch, It's Christmas, Eve (2018) is a romantic comedy. The story follows Eve (LeAnn Rimes), an interim school superintendent tasked with shutting down a struggling music department. However, to support the music teacher and his students, Eve enlists the help of her friend's husband to create a fundraising website and finds herself struggling to come to terms with her musical past. Watch the full movie now! Stay Tuned For More Entertainment! Click here to subscribe: Follow us on: Instagram: Facebook: Subscribe Now: #itschristmaseve2018 #itschristmaseve #holidaymovie #romanticmovie #christmasmovie #happyholidays #christmaseve #merrychristmas #LeAnnRimes #TylerHynes #GwynythWalsh #LaurieMurdoch #TiborTakacs
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